The Week of March 29 at CTS & FLC

PLEASE TAKE NOTE:  There will not be any services at First Lutheran in Chariton or Christ the Servant Lutheran Ministry in Corydon until Easter Sunday.  At this time, we are planning on having services on Easter Sunday at both locations.

On Easter Sunday, we will strive to maintain our distance from each other – encouraging you to leave some space between you and others.  We will spread out into the Narthex at both churches and also into the Fireside Room in Chariton. If you are feeling ill, we would encourage you to please stay home.

In addition, there will NOT be Easter breakfast at either location.

Every Sunday, at 10:30 am, you can listen to the weekly sermon and prayers from First Lutheran Church and Christ the Servant Lutheran Church on KIIC Radio – 96.7 FM out of Albia, IA.  This broadcast will be an ongoing ministry of the two congregations every Sunday at 10:30 am.

Another listening option is to go to the radio station’s website:  You will see a “Listen Live” button on the right had side of the screen.  Just click on that button and you are ready to listen!  Thank you to the member who called in that little tip!!

We know that some of you are currently reluctant to leave your home for the next few weeks.   So, if you find yourself in need of groceries or prescription medications, we would be honored to help, by shopping for you and delivering your order to your home or apartment.  We have a list of people ready and willing to help you.  Please call the church office (641-774-4875) and give Wendy your order, and we’ll shop and deliver your order to you.
The church office is open Monday – Thursday from 8 am – 3 pm.


Easter Lilies:
At Chariton
If you plan to donate a lily for Easter Sunday, you may designate it as a memorial or in honor of someone. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Fireside Room or you can call the church office (641-774-4875) with your information. The list of names will be printed in the Easter bulletin. Please call or sign up by Monday, April 6, to be included in the Easter bulletin.
At Corydon Corydon members please bring your Easter lilies to the church with you on Easter Sunday morning.

Easter Sunday Worship
7 am – Corydon
9 am – Chariton

(no Sunday School)
(Please note that there will NOT be an 11 am service at Christ the Servant on Easter Sunday.)