The Week of October 6 at CTS & FLC

Faith is the theme of today’s readings, a life-transforming faith, one that demonstrates the very presence of God moving, alive, and active in God’s people. God, who creates and claims each of us as God’s own children, brings us into this family by our baptisms and by the faith God gives us makes us holy children. Being part of this divine family gives us our worth, even at those times we may not think of ourselves as worthy. In 2 Timothy, the author writes a history of the faith in Timothy’s family, beginning with his grandmother and then passed on to his mother and himself. This is how many of us were first brought into the family of God: we had faithful parents who knew of their own God-given righteousness and then passed this gift on to their children. But again, it’s all God’s doing! Finally, Jesus’ disciples boldly ask their teacher to “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). They knew that faith was something needed, and Jesus explains that even a small amount of faith can do great wonders.

SUNDAY:  October 6
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
1 pm – Slavic Worship

MONDAY: October 7
6 pm – WWW at the Parsonage

TUESDAY: October 8
8 am – Breakfast Gals
9 am-3 pm: Blanket Making Party at CTS

WEDNESDAY: October 9

THURSDAY: October 10
9 am – FLC Quilting
1 pm – Women of the ELCA
7 pm – Slavic Worship

FRIDAY: October 11
Office Closed

SATURDAY: October 12
9 am-3:30 pm:  “Jesus, Old, New, & Now”
Bible Study at FLC
Featuring Dr. Mark Mattes and
Dr. Ken Sundet Jones
Authors and Professors of Religion
at Grand View University
All are invited!!
$5.00 cost includes lunch and snacks
Please contact Del Kray (515-360-5936) if you can join us on this day.

NEXT SUNDAY:  October 13
Holy Communion
9 am – First, Chariton
11 am – Christ the Servant, Corydon
10 am – CTS Sunday School
10:15 am – FLC Sunday School
10:15 am – Executive Committee at FLC
Noon – CTS Special Congregation Meeting
We will be discussing amending the budget to
include possible parking lot improvements.
1 pm – Slavic Worship
6 pm – Lutheran Adult Fellowship